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MASTER THESIS: JOb crafting and the moderating role of a growth mindset

Skills used: Project management, statistical analysis & testing, I/O psychology research, instructional design, facilitation, critical reading and writing, critical thinking.



Project: For my thesis project, I've developed an experiment to test the moderating role of a growth mindset on a job crafting intervention, meaning, whether people's beliefs about the elasticity of their brains (e.g., abilities, intelligence) would moderate their capacity to make changes to their jobs in the form of one or more of the 3 job crafting strategies (i.e., task crafting, relationship crafting, and cognitive crafting).





  • Job Crafting Intervention: online job crafting workshop administered to 500+ undergrad psychology students who participated in the experiment. Besides the workshop, participants of both experimental and control groups were asked to complete a job crafting exercise as well as pretest and posttest scales.


  • Research & Data Analysis: I researched and designed my master's thesis for the course of one year. Experiment running and data collection lasted about 90 days. Research findings were reported by conducting several statistical analyses (e.g., correlation, regression, and moderation) using SPSS and following the American Psychological Association publication standards.




My Role: I've led this project from start to end, including ideation, research, hypothesis, experiment running, and data analysis. I was mentored all the way through by professor Dr. Kevin Eschelman, who was pivotal to the success of this project.



Project Documents:

  • Job Crafting Workshop (this is a sample - original workshop is 35min long).

  • Research Findings & Defense

For feedback or questions, please email me at

Thank you!

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